Don't let the cold get you down Use these tips to stay fit and healthy! Make sure to drink plenty of fluids, such as water, herbal teas, fresh juices or warm water with honey and lemon, to keep hydrated. Eat a healthy, balanced diet. This will ensure that your body is receiving the right … [Read more...] about Towards Wellness
Glute Stretch
Position your feet shoulder width apart. With your arms extended and in front of you, lower your body by bending at the knees and raise back up. Repeat this 10 times. For a more advanced stretch stand with your feet shoulder width apart and your golf club at an arm’s length in front of … [Read more...] about Glute Stretch
Golf and Back Injuries
For years, golf back pain has been accepted by golfers as some kind of badge of honour. But now golfers everywhere are beginning to realize the benefits of having regular treatment to help manage and treat their golf back pain. Swinging a driver or three iron at speeds of up to 80kms/hr while … [Read more...] about Golf and Back Injuries
STRETCH OF THE MONTH Start on all fours with the spine and neck in a neutral position. The back should be flat like a tabletop. Eyes should look straight down to the ground. Inhale, drop the belly down and slowly lift the neck and head up. This is the cow half of the pose—picture a cow's … [Read more...] about CAT COW STRETCH
You are the most important influence on your child You can do many things to help your children develop healthy eating habits for life. Offering a variety of foods helps children get the nutrients they need from every food group. They will also be more likely to try new foods and to … [Read more...] about BE A GOOD ROLE MODEL
Ninety-two percent of Australian children aged 5-14 years use information and communication technologies including computers, with increased use correlated with higher age. 87% of boys and 80% of girls regularly participate in electronic screen-based activities. As a result of this … [Read more...] about TECHNOLOGY & CHILDREN
Last month, our team got the chance to help out at Parkerville Children & Youth Care. Parkerville Children & Youth Care is a well-established organisation with 114 years' experience supporting vulnerable children, young people, adults and their families in Western Australia. Their … [Read more...] about PARKERVILLE VOLUNTEER DAY
Towards Wellness How's your pillow treating you? Fold your pillow in half, then let go. If the pillow springs back, it’s in good shape. If it just lays there bent like a soggy potato chip, get rid of it. It’s not worthy of supporting your head and neck adequately while you sleep. Ready for a new … [Read more...] about FIGHT YOUR PILLOW